Positive Disruptors

As we head into the new school year I believe it is fitting to watch a commencement speech to serve us as a reminder...to help us to find our "why". There is an excitement that comes along with the new school year whether you are an educator, parent, or student. The beginning of the school year has the ultimate goal of helping students reach graduation as they move on to molding their own futures. Often times students will make note of a teacher, a coach, a church member amongst others that have positively influenced them along the way. Sometimes the positivity changes...disrupts the trajectory someone may be heading in. These positive disruptors may not even know the impact that they have on those they interact with and ultimately influence.

Over the summer there was a passing of one of the positive disruptors in my life. Ms. Shirley Bowman will never know the impact that she played in my life. I would argue that she impacted many lives...as she was simply known as "La Bowman" to her students...and she embraced it even having used the nickname in her race for school board. One of the memories that I have of Ms. Bowman takes place on the day of my 8th grade commencement. This was the first 8th grade commencement held at the middle school I attended (with full graduation regalia). It is important to note that this middle school served underprivileged students, some of which would never cross the stage during their senior year of high school. On that day she delivered a letter...a letter of recommendation. Earlier in the school year I had explained to her that my family and I were going through some immigration proceedings. As a matter of fact those proceedings dealt with our family facing deportation to Nicaragua. The letter was addressed to the judge that would be deciding our fate with its content clearly identifying that there was a belief that I was a model student and deserved the opportunity to remain in the country. Even more heart warming was the fact that multiple teachers had signed the petition style letter. It would be about another year until we learned our fate. However, this gesture lives on and helps to serve as guidance that we are truly in a service oriented profession. A profession where so many choose to give so much of themselves.

So, to all of the teachers that signed that letter I would like to extend my eternal gratitude. Your actions have had a ripple effect that serves as a continuous reminder to pay things forward. To Ms. Bowman, Ms. Arellano, Mr. Berletch, Mr. Frietag, Mr. Aaron Garza, Mrs. Lerma, Mr. Manny Ortiz and all of the positive disruptors who signed that petition please know that I am trying to pay it forward and that I strive to help mold students' futures as you helped mold my own. 

To those teachers whom I have the pleasure and honor to serve along with, please know that your work and actions do not go unnoticed.  The simple fist pumps, hellos, going to see students play at their games, the little idiosyncrasies and nuances in your classrooms are remembered, appreciated, and valued.  As we gear up to kick off this new school year let's reflect on those students that we influence and impact daily. We have the ability to impact students for a lifetime. We have an opportunity to positively disrupt students' futures. The love and dedication that goes into the field of education is second to none and filled with educators who want the best for kids. Wishing everyone a great kickoff to the 2017-2018 school year. 


  1. We seldom know whose lives we impact. However we hardly ever forget those who impacted us.
    It's so wonderful of you to acknowledge the individuals who influenced you. Forever grateful to everyone of them who gave you strength, guidance, direction, helped, encouraged, and molded you to be the great EDUCATOR and FRIEND you are today. I am beyond blessed to be your friend.


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