
Showing posts from August, 2017

Positive Disruptors

As we head into the new school year I believe it is fitting to watch a commencement speech to serve us as a help us to find our "why". There is an excitement that comes along with the new school year whether you are an educator, parent, or student. The beginning of the school year has the ultimate goal of helping students reach graduation as they move on to molding their own futures. Often times students will make note of a teacher, a coach, a church member amongst others that have positively influenced them along the way. Sometimes the positivity changes...disrupts the trajectory someone may be heading in. These positive disruptors may not even know the impact that they have on those they interact with and ultimately influence. Over the summer there was a passing of one of the positive disruptors in my life. Ms. Shirley Bowman will never know the impact that she played in my life. I would argue that she impacted many she was simply known as "L